Anti-Spam Policy
Spam Defined
In terms related to electronic messaging, spam is referred to as unsolicited, bulk or indiscriminate messages sent for a commercial purpose. has a zero-tolerance spam policy.
Automated spam filtering messaging systems automatically and dynamically scans all incoming email messages to filter out and remove messages and all content that appears to be spam.
Errors in spam filtering
No message filtering system is entirely accurate, and from time-to-time, there may be legitimate messages that are filtered-out by systems.
If you feel that this may have happened to a message you have sent, please take a moment to advise us by other means, or by using our contact form. You can reduce the risk of a message being filtered by our spam filters by sending any message in plain text, removing any images, HTML, or attachments, and by ensuring that your messages are scanned for malware prior to being sent.
Receipt of unwanted messages from
It is our goal to ensure that we never send uninvited or unwanted messages, and should you receive any message from SettleOutdoor, or any message claiming to be sent by
Anti-Spam Policy
Spam Defined
In terms related to electronic messaging, spam is referred to as unsolicited, bulk or indiscriminate messages sent for a commercial purpose. has a zero-tolerance spam policy.
Automated spam filtering messaging systems automatically and dynamically scans all incoming email messages to filter out and remove messages and all content that appears to be spam.
Errors in spam filtering
No message filtering system is entirely accurate, and from time-to-time, there may be legitimate messages that are filtered-out by systems.
If you feel that this may have happened to a message you have sent, please take a moment to advise us by other means, or by using our contact form. You can reduce the risk of a message being filtered by our spam filters by sending any message in plain text, removing any images, HTML, or attachments, and by ensuring that your messages are scanned for malware prior to being sent.
Receipt of unwanted messages from
It is our goal to ensure that we never send uninvited or unwanted messages, and should you receive any message from Settle Outdoor, or any message claiming to be sent by SettleOutdoor’s systems that you consider to be spam, please immediately contact using our contact form, and we will investigate the matter to ensure it is rectified as quickly as possible.
Changes to this policy
This policy is valid as of 08 May 2018, and may amend this anti-spam policy at any time by publishing a new version on this website.